Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
I heard yesterday, that if you have a xbox1 the Kinect mic is always on. And if youre playing fifa or nba, and you curse to much, the game will hear it and give you a penalty.
Is there a way to turn off that setting? That is stupidest thing I ever heard in my life... who doesn't cuss up a storm while playing video games!


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
I gotta agree with Rasan @Rasan Rondo's version of Hang Wit Me is one of the best drill songs to come outta Chicago this year.

we dont want no fuckin sex tell that bitch to eee eee!
song is hard as fuck.
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Mar 15, 2010

Here's my Illuminati rant for the year:

The entertainers are not Illuminati. The profane (this is what masons call non-masons) misinterpret what is actually taking place. The esoteric imagery we see in the entertainment world is appeasement and entertainment to those who are in control as well as confuse and control the masses. These actors and artists are just controlled court jesters doing the will of their masters. They step out of line, they step out of favor with the controllers. It is quite simple. The families in control of the anti natural systems of destruction, materialism, and imposition are not new to these tactics. By the way the three dots the profane call Mi Vida Loca, stands for Destruction Materialism and Imposition (if that is not a crazy life then I don't know what is). We caught up in the grind of the reality they create for us we fail to see it. Witchcraft is alive and well.



Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I have fucking had it with you European scumbags and Marxist fucking liberal arts students trashing the name of this great nation. Would you prefer speaking motherfucking German or Japanese right now? For fucks sake you faggots, if it wasn't for the most badass motherfuckers in the entire world kicking nazi ass you ungrateful shitstains would be rimming the asses of stalin and hitler on a required daily basis. Those same badasses who saved you then don't appreciate you disrespectful fuckers insulting this nation now, and guess what you pussies... The badasses are all around you right now. Veterans of motherfucking war. Don't you think for one fucking second they won't filet your ass with a fucking kbar knife for looking at them funny. Just imagine the utter destruction heading your way when they find out what you're saying about their beloved country. There will be no hiding, running or calling the cops. These guys are trained to track, isolate and destroy your fucking world before you know they are there. I almost feel bad for you. Almost. But there is only one way to end your kind of stupidity. The jews had a thousand times more of a party being burned than you little pussies are about to have when the gigantic dick of freedom fucks your little faggot asses to death. You can't possibly fathom the retribution heading your way courtesy of the US fucking government, and you can bet we have an arsenal of drones over your house right now, just watching and waiting. Laugh now and tip your fedoras you hipster faggots , but you're on borrowed time.