lol my ex, who I've ignored for over a year now, and havent gotten a text from since July, and knows I'm living with someone else, called and left me a voicemail tonight where just played a Goapele song that we liked back in the day. Like that's supposed to make me want to come back to her. What a fucking cunt.
This same blew bitch off going to a Niners game with me last year, 3 days before the game and after I bought tickets, to go camping with 4 dudes. I havent spoken to her since then.
Pfftttttt LOL
I feel you, breh. This girl called me on November 5th, the anniversary of my dad's passing, to chew my ass over a love note I wrote to her. She called the last few minutes of the 5th, yelling into the phone and giving me a bunch of hell.
I just dropped the phone and walked off until I felt like saying something, then I'd say it, and put the phone down again. This bitch said to me, and I quote verbatim, "If you love me, you'll stop telling me you love me."
Told her I forgave her for all the shit she did, and I left it at that. Didn't contact her since, nor think I'd have contact with her until January(when I enter an acting program at MSU that's similar to the one she's in).
It's nice to hear the apology(three times in a 45 second VM), but I honestly think she was trying to make good with me tonight so she could talk me into picking her up from work. It's cold as fuck tonight and she walks 3 miles to work.
Sucks for her. I'll wait a bit until I connect with her, just because she deserves it.
/passionate rant