What exactly do you disagree with in that video?
One can actually go much further than this and argue that there should be a complete separation between parents and their kids and it's very very hard to present any sound arguments against that position.
Because the deeply evolutionary ingrained behavioral pattern of maximizing the social status of and the amount of resources available to your progeny is the very root of all our problems, and is currently rapidly driving us toward self-inflicted extinction. Therefore until we evolve something approaching eusociality (or rather, until we can engineer it directly because there isn't much of an evolutionary pressure in that direction in our lineage and it won't happen on its own) the only solution would be to break that connection by separating kids from parents at birth, erasing any information that links them and then raising them communally. The problem is this is going to become very difficult to achieve in practice thanks to technological advances - Gattaca-style ultra-cheap, portable full-genome sequencing is just a few years away. We missed the window of opportunity.
When you see a disheveled crack face mom smoking cigarettes and trying to corral her 9 kids, it's hard not to think that is might be a better idea.
I am certainly sympathetic to kids born into very unhealthy circumstances.
However, where this idea collapses is that very crack mom is still as much a member of the general populace as any one else, so as a society our overall aptitude is very low.
ThaG I also disagree that "the deeply evolutionary ingrained behavioral pattern of maximizing the social status of and the amount of resources available to your progeny is the very root of all our problems" as I believe sexual selection and competition for mates is well represented in the equation summing up "all of our problems" as well.