supposedly when cats put the game up on a torrent they discovered a pc file and a ps4 file. thats how the rumor got started.
i say its BS. they would cash the fuck out big time if they would have had this game ready when the ps4/xbox one launched. i for one would have copped a ps4 if GTA5 came out for it.
An .XML file from the game showed 32 players online before they even verified it was coming to PC. So everyone is just assuming next gen consoles as well because of how shit the rendering is in the current gen and how much more money they stand to make.
I think they'll drop it after the buzz of the new consoles dies down and everyone is bored of bf4/cod ghosts and all the other launch titles. They'll throw out GTA with new online missions or DLC and ability to import your characters etc.
And I bet pushing it 6 months they might charge full price for it again and act like it is an upgraded version. When realistically what we play is a downgraded version, hence why you see 50 of the same cars for 10 blocks and textures cant load fast enough when you're in a sports car. Plus this was the biggest entertainment release ever, so I think theyll exploit all aspects, and never make an android ifruit app as well.