Larry Wilkerson: With Saudi Arabia heavily funding the opposition and Iran backing Assad, the Syrian civil war has spiraled into a global struggle for power with the potential for greater catastrophe
That guy shed some light on the Syria situation. The USA is an empire, we have military bases all over the world and we keep building. All empires crumble, this is well known if you look at history.
from what im getting so far,..we are gonna strike with france on our side,..britain said no,...and russia syria and iran are teaming up, as i see it its 2 against 3,with us being out numbered,..and if china gets in the mix and sides with russia and them then dam,...this shit isnt gonna be good if it goes down if u ask me,.am i right tho,? i missing something?!
England is a pussu for backing out. Israel would likely do something I'm guessing. Either way, deck is stacked against Obama doing this and they keep bringing up that he can't even legally do something without the approval of congress and a lot of people are against this action. I don't even see how we can just bomb the piss out of them because they used chemical weapons on their own people. If it's not something agreed upon by all the members of the U.N., Obama would be hella stupid to proceed to attack them. I could care less about Russia, Iran, Syria, China, and N. Korea, but they would be correct to retaliate against us if we bomb Syria.
I don't even see how we can just bomb the piss out of them because they used chemical weapons on their own people. If it's not something agreed upon by all the members of the U.N., Obama would be hella stupid to proceed to attack them. I could care less about Russia, Iran, Syria, China, and N. Korea, but they would be correct to retaliate against us if we bomb Syria.
England is a pussu for backing out. Israel would likely do something I'm guessing. Either way, deck is stacked against Obama doing this and they keep bringing up that he can't even legally do something without the approval of congress and a lot of people are against this action. I don't even see how we can just bomb the piss out of them because they used chemical weapons on their own people. If it's not something agreed upon by all the members of the U.N., Obama would be hella stupid to proceed to attack them. I could care less about Russia, Iran, Syria, China, and N. Korea, but they would be correct to retaliate against us if we bomb Syria.
You should probably do some research on the chemical weapons, now that more information is out it looks like the rebels i.e terrorists used chemical weapons. Why would Syria do it when they were winning and they knew chemical weapons would result in international intervention?! We already know for a fact Islamic militias have recently used chemical weapons.
You should probably do some research on the chemical weapons, now that more information is out it looks like the rebels i.e terrorists used chemical weapons. Why would Syria do it when they were winning and they knew chemical weapons would result in international intervention?! We already know for a fact Islamic militias have recently used chemical weapons.
At the time I said that, I don't think anyone knew that, myself included. I put the cart before the horse obviously. Either way, Obama is stupid to petition for this. That hasn't changed.
At the time I said that, I don't think anyone knew that, myself included. I put the cart before the horse obviously. Either way, Obama is stupid to petition for this. That hasn't changed.
From the perspective of the ruling elite, Obama is not stupid as the wheels have been in motion for some time which has no difference of Democrats or Republicans. See the video of gen Wesley Clark saying shortly after 9/11 we will go to war with Iraq, then Syria which clears the way for Iran:
Skip to :40 seconds
This is a four star General, mind you, openly stating plans to clear out and topple 7 countries, Iraq and Lebanon have already been handled and Syria is about to be bombed. If it is still not obvious this is US imperialism, I cannot help people anymore. Always an excuse for war but the true motives are clear as day.
us hegemony til death, kill anyone who stands the the way of the american empire. fuck syria we should have wiped out their infrastructure and defenses the minute we learned they used chemical weapons, bombed them back to the stone age. now we look like some bitches and because obama is acting like a scared faggot our implied dominance and threat of annihilation to any challengers of the american hegemon is being threatened and now we will be challenged by any half ass terrorist and commie countries out there
obama has got to go. this would never have happened under W's watch
us hegemony til death, kill anyone who stands the the way of the american empire. fuck syria we should have wiped out their infrastructure and defenses the minute we learned they used chemical weapons, bombed them back to the stone age. now we look like some bitches and because obama is acting like a scared faggot our implied dominance and threat of annihilation to any challengers of the american hegemon is being threatened and now we will be challenged by any half ass terrorist and commie countries out there
obama has got to go. this would never have happened under W's watch
@206, I don't doubt it at all. I know most of y'all don't believe in the Bible but it's a part of Biblical prophesy that Russia will help Iran to try and defeat Israel once and for all before the return of Christ. Not to say now is the end of times as we know it but crazy the way things are going down.
I also am not surprised to see Obama do this. America will always be there to defend Israel I believe. That was one of the most important questions in the presidential election debates... Is an attack on Israel (virtually) an attack on the United States (due to our close ties). Both candidates in effect answered yes.