Ugly Nigga is a DRUG FREE rapper (doesn't even DRINK)

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Mar 18, 2008
So let's low ball the sales to 200 copies sold out of Rasputins and 100 sold out of Demples and 30 out of Amoeba Records and I turn them ALL over to the Wall Street Journal...getting back $40.00 pr subscription 330 customers...that's a take of $13,200.00
Props: Rossibreath
Oct 8, 2004
Lmfao like 1,400 people wuld come to see you do an in store signing actually u set up your shirts and cd's in a Chinese resturant that holds 50 and signed autographs to the staff and papa and mama ugly nigga and in your UGLY mind you thought it was 1,400 when in actuality it was 14
Jan 29, 2005
First of all you used Kreashawn's world wide sales of 3,900 cds sold...that is the total of her 1st week sales and they only made the album available out of the fashion store Hot Topics...that's a major reason why her sales were fucked off.
how about you look a couple posts down where I talked about people like The Jacka and AP9 and how they would be lucky to even get the type of numbers you're talking about selling.

2 established artists out of the bay area with an actual fanbase.

You ain't selling 1 single cd unless it's to your family members. I honestly don't see one single person walking into a music store and dropping $15 on some random cd by "Ugly Nigga".

The fact is your a two bit wanna be small time hustler and you can't even do that right considering you continually come on a website where nobody likes you basically asking "What you think fellas, is my wack ass scheme gonna work?". This is the second wack ass scheme in a week you're asking website personalities if it will work or not lol first that boxing in movie theater ticket scalping (with a Wall Street journal sub lol), now this.

It's almost like you need people to hold your hand and give you the blessing to go fail.

Get a fucking job.
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Props: Sav_Clicc_21
Jan 30, 2007

Stay tuned for Ugly Nigga's upcoming album..."I Put That On My Life"...(5) songs away from completion. I was talking to Sieed or Balance last week and we was chopping it up...he was like when you finish your album bring it in..."I'll buy it"...but he usually does consignment so I wasn't clear on that part as I reflect back. I told him I'd like to push it...make 12 t-shirt each for all 12 songs titles and put them in the 10 store locations so that's like 144 shirts each store the customer gets a choice of a FREE t-shirt with the purchase of the album. 144 xs 10 stores is 1,440 t-shirts x $3 (wholesale cost) = $4,320.00 on the shirt cost...

So I calculate a $6.00 return from Rasptutins (they do $5.00 for new artists) I'm cutting my profit to $3 x 1,440.00 shirts for a profit of $4,320.00 minus the cost of the cd production $1 pr cd x 1,500 cds/ $4,320.00 - $1,500.00 cd cost= $2,820.00

$2,820.00 TOTAL PROFIT off of 1,440 cd sold...

Now here is where the numbers jump up for the effort...the customer goes to to get a $12.00 refund from the album via PayPal...and A FREE subscription to the Wall Street Journal for 12 weeks via credit/ debit card...ALL orders are processed every Friday and the Wall Street subscriptions are filled out in the Rasputin Stores...for EVERY cd sold with a subscription...the Wall Street Journal pays Ugly Nigga $ that brings a total of $57,600.00 top side.

The t-shirts will be restocked to the stores as long as they are able to move cd units.

If Jay Z can partner up with a major company in Samsung and make major moves...then why can't Bay Area rap artist Ugly Nigga do the same thing? If the game is changing...why not change with it. Stay DRUG FREE.

Ya know, for every post you've ever made on here I've never once checked your music. Your marketing skills are lame as fuck. Yes I'm a hater and yes I took time outta my day to comment on you. Go set up a stand outside your local walmart and harass people for signatures, your wack as fuck