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Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
By the way Ne Obliviscaris @Ne Obliviscaris can I ask you grad school advice?

Basically, I'm slated to start grad school in September. The prof who is going to be my superviser, is going to be on a sabbatical at that time and suggested I defer until January. I'm cool with that because it means I can make more money and save up for when I start.

But the Graduate Coordinator at the university is saying it's a bad idea, that I should be starting the same time as my peers and that I should really think this through before going through with it. She says if I'm going to defer I should defer all the way until fall of 2014 since all grads typically start in the fall. I'm cool with waiting until January because of the money but I don't want to push it too far. Should I just do it and ignore the Coordinators advice? My Prof butted heads with her and she was willing to let me start in January but strongly advised against it.

Feel free to tldr this whole post if you don't care to answer breh. I'll probably defer either way.

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
By the way Ne Obliviscaris @Ne Obliviscaris can I ask you grad school advice?

Basically, I'm slated to start grad school in September. The prof who is going to be my superviser, is going to be on a sabbatical at that time and suggested I defer until January. I'm cool with that because it means I can make more money and save up for when I start.

But the Graduate Coordinator at the university is saying it's a bad idea, that I should be starting the same time as my peers and that I should really think this through before going through with it. She says if I'm going to defer I should defer all the way until fall of 2014 since all grads typically start in the fall. I'm cool with waiting until January because of the money but I don't want to push it too far. Should I just do it and ignore the Coordinators advice? My Prof butted heads with her and she was willing to let me start in January but strongly advised against it.

Feel free to tldr this whole post if you don't care to answer breh. I'll probably defer either way.
What kind of program is it? Is it mostly based on taking classes, or is it research based? Do you get funding from teaching or from your advisor ever?

I mean if its a program thats pretty formulaic where everyone takes the same 60 credits in the same order, then it probably makes sense to start at the same time as everyone else, but if the completion of the degree is based on independent research and you're going to be writing grants, and classes are kinda secondary, then fuck that, start whenever you want.
Props: Mac Jesus

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
What kind of program is it? Is it mostly based on taking classes, or is it research based? Do you get funding from teaching or from your advisor ever?

I mean if its a program thats pretty formulaic where everyone takes the same 60 credits in the same order, then it probably makes sense to start at the same time as everyone else, but if the completion of the degree is based on independent research and you're going to be writing grants, and classes are kinda secondary, then fuck that, start whenever you want.
It's research based, but the first year is classes. Basically, if I start in January I'd be taking two classes that semester. Doing my field work in the summer, taking two more classes the next semester and start analyzing my data from the fieldwork and putting everything together for my thesis. I'll be getting TA hours but I'll make more money at my current job then the TA hours so even if I started in the Fall I wouldn't be making so much money. My Prof is going to help me out with applying for grants/scholarships and I may be getting some corporate funding from my job and it's clients.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Which is another good reason to defer. It means I'll be able to work on the ground for a longer portion of time, in my research area, with my corporate partners who will be assisting me with my research before it begins.


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
Start your classes.

Most grad students get very little useful research done, until they finished the required load of classes. Least that how i saw BioChem, and Chem students at UT.


Allez Les Bleus 🌟🌟
Feb 27, 2006
Paris, France
By the way Ne Obliviscaris @Ne Obliviscaris can I ask you grad school advice?

Basically, I'm slated to start grad school in September. The prof who is going to be my superviser, is going to be on a sabbatical at that time and suggested I defer until January. I'm cool with that because it means I can make more money and save up for when I start.

But the Graduate Coordinator at the university is saying it's a bad idea, that I should be starting the same time as my peers and that I should really think this through before going through with it. She says if I'm going to defer I should defer all the way until fall of 2014 since all grads typically start in the fall. I'm cool with waiting until January because of the money but I don't want to push it too far. Should I just do it and ignore the Coordinators advice? My Prof butted heads with her and she was willing to let me start in January but strongly advised against it.

Feel free to tldr this whole post if you don't care to answer breh. I'll probably defer either way.

at a quick glance, i saw parker's post before yours (he posted right after this post) and thought, why are you asking park_boi for grad school advice?

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Start your classes.

Most grad students get very little useful research done, until they finished the required load of classes. Least that how i saw BioChem, and Chem students at UT.
My research will be impeccable. I already have the skills do conduct my research, the classes are just supplementary. I have a ton of experience doing the type of research I'm slated to do from my undergraduate/employment.

I think it may be different with archaeology vs chemistry. My research involves excavating a site, writing up an analysis of the site plus some more technical stuff that will help with interpreting the area I'm going to be working in. Basically, I have some pretty solid ideas on how to conduct excavations and get better data then what people are currently using. And everyone who I talk to in the industry about it knows I can do this.

Also, I gotta move out of province to do my masters so waiting is hella tempting.


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
Your research skills might be awesome, but when you need to maintain a 3.0 gpa to stay in school, and they are giving you a full load of demanding classes - its hard to impossible to be all the way focussed on research.

All I'm saying is whether or not your prof is gone for a bit might be ok, if you are able to knock out the required classes. Then by time he gets back you can 100% focus on finding dinosaur bones jk lol

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
yeah, like r.nato said, if you got a year or two of classes to go through, don't worry about your major prof not being there at first. Especially if, as you say you so, you know all the procedural stuff that gets done in your lab.