The genie has been let out of the bottle a long time ago. It's almost impossible to put it back in.
It will take a Soviet style confiscation of arms to impose gun control, however there is one huge difference and it is that when the Soviets were taking away things from the population between the wars, they were doing it on an unarmed population while in the US it is the very guns people have that need to be confiscated, and this is a recipe for disaster - as it is not only is there no shortage of people going on rampage shooting random victims, but there is a several orders of magnitude larger group of nominally sane people armed to the teeth whose biggest fear is that the government will come and take away their guns, and a lot of those won't let that happen without a fight. Given that fact, if I am part of whatever law enforcement agency is charged with taking guns away from people, my motivation to do my job well would not be very high
In other words, ain't gonna happen.
They may tighten up gun control a little with respect to things like background checks, number of bullets, etc., there is even a slight chance they may go after assault weapons, but the kind of general ban on guns that's needed is simply never going to happen