Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
i live at home with my parents, but yeah, i'm able to support myself as a freelance artist. and i've been charging people joog, i haven't even charged people as a professional artist yet, lol. but yeah, once in a while my mom or dad will shoot me like $50 or something but i never ask for money. luckily i've met a lot of people who kept my name lit without me having a business card and what not. plus, i saved money from my previous job over at gnc, and i don't really spend money aside from weed, gas, and food.

i got my own website, but i never updated it since i started it...but other than that, the only places people can see my artwork is through my facebook/flickr account. soon, i'll be updating my website more often as soon as i add more portfolio pieces and what not.

mainly, my clients are just random people who want a painting, drawing, logo, or tattoo design done. i had my first art show/exhibit at a barber shop in richmond back in september/october last year for two paintings that i did for the owner of the barber shop. he really liked the two paintings i did for him, so i've gotten a lot of business just by word of mouth, thanks to him. as of right now, i'm planning on having either a solo art show/exhibit or with other artists at a local gallery somewhere in the bay area/sacramento area. i've come in contact with a couple of galleries so far but unfortunately i haven't gotten any word from any of them.

in the mean time, i plan on adding more pieces for my portfolio, and even for my show/exhibit, as well as applying for apprenticeships for tattooing. my homegirl is going to introduce me to a stripper out in sf who is also a freelance illustrator/fine artist/tattoo artist, so if she is a good artist, i would hope to start an apprenticeship soon.

as far as side hustles go, i used to sell weed and sometimes pills from time to time...but i haven't done that in like 3 years. right now, i'm just focusing on becoming a better artist, because i feel that even though people think that i'm good despite only 3-4 years of formal training, i can become a lot better. also, just compiling pieces for my portfolio or website, and getting my name out there...
Props. I can respect that.

It's cool having your art sell, huh?

I donated 4 photos I took to a private school auction and they all sold well beyond their worth.

I love that feeling, breh.

Good for you.