**Official AMC show "The Walking Dead" Thread - MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS**

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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
what happened to the first season?

That's what happened. All those loose ends (helicopter, black dude and son w/ walkie talkies, MERYL) have all been shelved and/or forgotten in favor of narrative-driven emotional bullshit like chasing down that little girl and dealing with that ho's pregnancy.

The only thing I hope for next week is that they get the fuck off the farm for a couple of episodes like it seems they will be from what I could see of next week's teaser.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
yes, frank darabont had a master plan to open season 2 with a whole flashback episode to the begininng of the zombie apocalypse, where tanks would be driving around, helicopters flying around, and zombies were being mowed down with machine guns and shit until they eventually overran the military personnel. it would have been like the street in atlanta that rick got stuck in the tank in, it would have showed us what happened. that makes it seem like he had epic ideas but got fired and then the show went to shit.

but frank darabont still developed the first half of season 2 before he got fired. so hes still responsible for basically ruining what could have been an epic show. yes, budget constraints and all that were forced, which is part of why he got fired, he was overly ambitious and wanted to spend millions of dollars developing episodes that werent even central to the main story. but he was still responsible for the "narrative-driven emotional bullshit", and id put any amount of money that the second half of season 2, which lacks his control, will be much much better than the shit he tried to pull with the beginning of season 2


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
almost like he was pouting cause he couldnt turn the show into an over-budgeted non-stop action gore fest so he turned it into the most nauseating slow paced soap-opera cliche he could possibly think of as retaliation
Jan 9, 2004
Whenever anyone credits a guy for an amazing job in creating an awesome show but then faults him in the same breath for doing what his bosses are limiting him to before they fire him - then the analysis is misleading and worthless.

Anyone can see that the guys holding the checkbooks and firing the man for being "overly ambititous" are the reason the show turns into a soap opera. I doubt the show will "turn around" now that the financial guys are running it. Sounds like more zombie cliches are in the works for part 2.

This isn't the only instance a creative, innovative show gets gutted by bottom-line producers. TV is littered with examples.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
remember the whole shit with andreas sister, tells a dramatic ass story for 20 minutes of the episode then she dies, like what was the fuckin point? yeah, that was all frank right there. that was episode 5 of the first season. the shit was alreayd a fuckin soap opera, no amount of zombie annihilation or flashly cgi and tanks and helicopters was going to fix where frank would have brought the show / HAS brought the show. the whole shit with the pedofile dad and sophia and all that shit, lol wtf is that about. weird ass shit. if anything, i never praised frank and im glad darabont got fired

tv is also littered with examples of shows that were shot with handi-cams with little to no budget, and they became epic shows. it doesnt take millions to make a great show. shit isnt a michael bay movie its a tv show, lol


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
From the articles I've read, Darabont is credited, but did not write the first half of season two, that's why his epic intro to season two was scrapped. That particulare story was to follow the sergeant in the tank who eventually wound up locking himself in the tank so he wouldn't be roaming free trying to eat people.

They even went so far as to hire that one TV actor whose name escapes me. Fans of that guys work blew up the inboxes of AMC when they saw him in that episode, asking if he was going to have a more prominent role than getting shot in yhe head so early on.
Dec 4, 2006
who the fuck cares! let the show go on!

show still good enough to me and very watchable ..if you don't like it....then go back and watch season 1...
Nov 7, 2006
this weeks episode was fucking stupid to me. too much pointless conversations going on and you can tell it's to try to connect the fans to other characters emotionally but they're doing it so sloppy. Rick went down a notch after bringing that dude back to the barn. thought that killing those dudes would set him free from his bullshit but i guess not. gonna keep watching but it is gradually getting worse with every episode.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
i also thought the episode was bad ass, but wtf you guys really thought they should have left that guy there?

i thought it was smart to take him back. not only to feel a little humanity, something theyve been desperately been trying to obtain this whole time by playing house on the farm. but its just the right thing to do. they could extract information from him by being nice, learn about the other survivors and whats been happening in other parts of the country. or they could straight interrogate the guy then feed him to the zombies; i think its absolutely critical that they try to obtain information from the "outside world" so that they could move on from the farm.

i would have been kinda pissed if they left that guy to die; itd almost be like "ok now FOR SURE i know theyre going to be sitting on this stupid farm at least till the end of the season." at least now i have a little hope that they might learn about a new place to head out to. get a clue as to how shits going on outside of the farm


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

remotephone 20 points 10 hours ago

I like the show and I have been thoroughly entertained throughout it's run. I have also read up to issue 93 (haven't seen the latest episode of the show, though), so I am pretty familiar with how the comic went too. I think the show is great because it doesn't try to be a "Land of the Dead"esque (ew, btw) movie that is about blowing things up and ooo look at the cool zombie. The comic isn't like that and the show isn't like that either, and that is part of it's strength, and I remember Kirkland saying that's how he intended it in his letter responses.

The show isn't about a zombie infested world, it is about people trying to live in that world. Maybe people want to see more zombies more quickly, but I think a lot of people forget this comic has gone through almost 100 issues and had plenty of time to show us zombies. I don't think the show has covered a 10th of that ground.

Also, they need to get the fuck off that farm. I am tired of it.

rhino369 3 points 8 hours ago

The first season was mostly just as crappy other than the first two episodes.

I'm glad they fired Darabont. He couldn't handle TV pacing very well at all. The last two episodes were the first two without him being involved at all, and they were the best back to back the show has done.

A slow moving story can work very well. The Wire and Breaking Bad prove it. They both move very slowly and crescendo into a huge conflict.

TWD hasn't pulled this off. The character conflict is awful. A lot it was cliched and stupid -- like Merle being racist against T-Dog, or Dale not trusting Shane. Other conflict is inconsistent like Lori yelling at Rick for leaving, and then for not acting, or going off on her own on a dangerous mission. Or Glen falling in love then blaming her for being a coward. Or Daryl suddenly being an EMO bitch. Or Herschel finding his balls in a whisky glass.

And the story lines that do slowly build and consistently don't really pay off. The Rick finding out about Shane story line was done pretty well. Then all we get is "oh, yea I knew, NO BIG DEAL."

Part of the problem is that the major danger, zombies, aren't an active antagonists. The Wire and Breaking Bad works with long slow conflicts because there are multiple sides playing chess against each other. The group in TWD are just running away from a faceless mob of death.

So TWD is just boring personal drama (not because personal drama is boring but because TWD doesn't do it right), and then random dangers appear.

Even worse, they come up with contrived dangers for almost no reason. Why have a walker trapped in a well to create danger for Glen. Just have one walk near him when he is sleeping. Why have Lori drive off by herself for no reason when you can make one up. Why does Dale somehow correctly guess what happened to Otis without any clues? Why not give him clues?

The writers just stomp around then say "hey X needs to happen, so lets just write X happens." It's sloppy.

just a couple outside opinions i found that i thought were interesting
Nov 7, 2006

just a couple outside opinions i found that i thought were interesting
thats what i was trying to get at about the last episode. yeah it had some action but thats was like the blanket for bad acting and bad story telling. it's like they knew it was shit so they figured he lets throw 1000 zombies in this equation so people will talk about that instead of the shit parts (which was 75% of the episode). i'm a fan of this show but it's too sloppy for it to be great, i think we're smart and know what it could be so we grasp on to that hoping for a change but it just hasnt come yet. 1st episode of this series = GREAT. everything else = average (sometimes below)