I don't think homeless people take advantage of Halloween like they should. They're already dressed up as goulish creatures plus they could have like 3-4 days worth of meals for free!!!!
you can always spot a homeless person.. even when they are moderately clean they stick out.. like when you spot one in the foodcourt at the mall.. they always have that straining pained slightly confused look as their eyes dart from here to there.
a homeless persons costume would suck.
they ring your doorbell askin for some shit they might get shot
I use to hate those fucking wax lips people would pass out. Every year I would try to eat one thinking I was doin something wrong, but no, it was like chewing on a candle
i bought like 40 bucks worth of candy cuz i live in a suburb with a shitload of young kids and barely anyone has come by....im startin to give like 3-4 pieces per kid