if you take the 680 north from fremont to pleasonton there are some super baller houses to the left in the hills i think madden has a house up there i forgot the name but its got a sick ass country club
also in fremont right behing the actual mission is a neighborhood with football field sized houses bigger than anything i saw in ruby hills
also avalon housing in fremont is some of the nicest ive seen
basically you cant fuck with the fremont hills we got the best view in the whole bay
John Madden lives in Danville. He owns like 3 houses that make up the whole street. My grandfather installed the A/C on like 2 of em. 1 house is his, and 1 for his kid(s), and the third his wife made him get because she didnt like him and his friends drinking and smoking cigars in the house.
Atherton, Woodside, Hillsbourough, Los Altos Hills, Portola Valley were the nicest cities around where i used to live. If your ever a bizillionaire i'd highly suggest checking out some real estate there