check this out you punk, dont comment on my parenting skills, cause my 5 year old would beat the shit outta your scrawney little ass you bitch.
Aint you the same bitch that came back to this site after Tommy James ripped your ass for having a GAY ass name like 'macdrizza' umongst other bitchassness you pull?.... ya we aint forgot it was your hoe ass behind the screen you fuckin faggot.....
when is your next 'show' so you can see how it feels to be crippled?
secondly,... aint a handicapped person in the WORLD gonna break my nose.
Maybe a little bitch like you, but not me. not never.
hella sensitive, i didnt even know u had a kid
you sound dumbass guilty though, did you put someone in a wheelchair at some point in time and now you feel like captain-save-a-cripple?
yeah i am the one with the s/n MAC DRIZZA...i never left the site, a few months after all that happened i made this account so i could promote my music better
but anyways, u need to calm the fuck down and get off siccness for a minute....get some air, smoke a black, take a shot...somethin