Tunnel Vision, is a short film based on the life of the notorious Antonio Salvatore Servidio (Johnny Russo). Johnny Russo is portrayed in the film by Bay Area super star Gerald Gillum A.K.A. G-Eazy. The film marks the acting debut of G-Eazy, and has supporting roles with David Labrava(Sons Of Anarchy), and Robert Miano (Donnie Brasco, Fast and Furious). The film was shot in Los Angeles in late November, and is going to cause some serious fury along the International Film Festival Circuits. The film is lead by director Sarah B. Downey who has had multi international award wins. The story is written by Sarah B. Downey and Antonio Servidio. Antonio’s courage to tell his story to the world has already created a buzz in Hollywood. The film has released the official trailer, and the full short film will be released soon.
Written by: Writer Macguyver
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