ive had shit where i was sober and my body was oscillating, like pulsating back and forth up and down my body, no foating sensation, jsut a pulsating oscilation. i had the covers over my head cuz it was fuckin cold. and i fell into a deep sleep, and my conciousness told myself that by the count of 3 i would pull the cover off my head, cuz i would end up suffocating, i knew i wasnt getting enough oxygen, i musta been sleeping like this for 1 hr straight, so i did the 3 count once, but i was too lazy to pull the covers over my head, it took me 3 times of the 3 count to finally wake my mind up and physically get the cover off me. fuckin will power has saved my ass millions of time. i start to think maybe its due to lack of oxygen that the brain ends up tricking you, and producing or releasing some kind of oxygen-lacking chemical maybe.
i've had that other feeling you was talking about shea, i was sober tho - my thumb toe would feel very big-huge, like those cartoons when someone hits they toe with a hammer and it gets red and huge, that is what it felt like. strange shit that the mind does, it was like alice n wonderland shit.
i dont know waht its called, but its been a while. im thinkin maybe eating before bedtime or diffrent kidns of foods or tv watching will give you these experieicnes, maybe