It was crazy humid today... I was lucky enough that I didn't have to do any serious outside work, but when I was outside for the short amount of time I literally got dehydrated and got a dizzy spell.
It's supposed to hit high 80s low 90s here in western Washington tommorow and the next couple days. Today was like 63, yesterday in the 50s. That's a pretty big jump.
my car was like a sauna.. 97.. my air conditioner is fucked up i need to recharge it.. and to top it off i have an all black car. My tint is the only thing that saves me even tho is till got sun burned.
d-rose, u in vallejo right now? its still fuckin hot and sucks, im up in the north, im headin to the peninsula for tomorrow, possibly the weekend, ahhh half moon bayyyyyy
Aint that the 1 below the ritz carlton? Im fine with the crowd, i just hope to see more half nekkkid beezies lol, im not driving im gonna make this 1 broad take me and pick me up, she stay in hmb, so imma park @ her house and have her take me
haha there you go.. by the ritz carlton? not sure.. thats the one by woodside road or w/e that road is that ends up taking you down to redwood city.. once you hit highway 1 theres san gregorio right there.
d-rose, u in vallejo right now? its still fuckin hot and sucks, im up in the north, im headin to the peninsula for tomorrow, possibly the weekend, ahhh half moon bayyyyyy
haha there you go.. by the ritz carlton? not sure.. thats the one by woodside road or w/e that road is that ends up taking you down to redwood city.. once you hit highway 1 theres san gregorio right there.
ah naw, i know which 1 u talkin about tho, the 1 im thinkin of, u take 92, then go south on 1, and then before the school or w/e and the car dealership, theres another inn, and u turn right, pass trailers and shit, its on the road where theres a golf course, and the ritz carlton is up the road on the cliff