Sideshow law close to reinstatement

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Apr 13, 2005
Article Last Updated: 03/28/2007 08:38:31 AM PDT
SACRAMENTO — A Senate committee moved Tuesday to reinstate a law cops use to punish potentially deadly sideshow related activities across California, after Oakland city officials let it lapse, according to lawmakers.

The Senate Public Safety Committee approved SB67, by Senate leader Don Perata, D-Oakland, which allows police to impound cars for up to 30 days at the owner's expense.

"Before the original bill, sideshows were causing constant mayhem and were putting lives in danger," Perata said. "This was a relatively simple move that has made a big difference in making our neighborhoods safer."

Under previous law, again in effect since the newer version lapsed, authorities can hold a car tied to reckless driving or speeding only until the owner pays a fine.

In 2005, the city of Oakland sponsored the law upgrade, with a sunset date of Jan. 1. But city officials failed to deliver documentation of the new law's effectiveness to lawmakers last year in time to allow for the law's continuation.

At Tuesday's hearing, Oakland Police Capt. David Kozicki and other city officials said the upgraded law contributed to a sharp decline in sideshows.

Statewide law enforcement officials said that while sideshows are not as widespread as they once were , they are becoming increasingly popular in other cities across the state such as Compton,South Central,Sacramento, Stockton ,Fresno , Santa Rosa, and even parts of the midwest and east coast in cities like Gary, Indiana & Newark,New Jersey.