Messy Marv in Reno

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Jul 25, 2007
I hear you on the different lanes but what I'm trying to say is being "lyrical" does not necessarily make you a better creator of music. Marv was making good songs back in the day. I still have not heard anything from Kendrick that I really like and h gets way too much credit as a lyricist.
The fuck? Did you not listen to the GKMC? That contemporary mainstream album which is unheard of in today's Hip Pop mainstream bullshit being pushed?

Mess is a "gangsta rapper"

K.Dot is lyricist/gangsta rapper.

Both are dope artists. The only thing K.Dot has over Mess is vocabulary and creativity. Mess is straight up street.

Section.80 actually shits on GKMC.
Props: lVleNaCe
You're using that word "artist" way too liberally. Mess is not an artist because he isnt saying anything or providing any perspective. He's not particularly clever or innovative. He is just a hood rapper with a persona and has written some catchy songs. Pac and Dre were artists
This is art to me
Jul 19, 2007
i see death around the corner 4 mess. his time on earth is almost expired. half u faggots talkin shit wouldnt state your identity while u talkin shit so to me yall r the pussies not mess. niggaz is mad at him bc he kept the bay lit 4 hella long and pussy niggaz cant stand that and want to kill his spirit.
Jul 19, 2007
mess might commit suicide 2 this. niggas just need to know when to get out the rap game. if uworkin hella hard and your fans get happier when u bleeding and burned , then its time to hang it up it aint worth it. mess should just take his money an family and go live deep in the woods

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
i see death around the corner 4 mess. his time on earth is almost expired. half u faggots talkin shit wouldnt state your identity while u talkin shit so to me yall r the pussies not mess. niggaz is mad at him bc he kept the bay lit 4 hella long and pussy niggaz cant stand that and want to kill his spirit.
mess might commit suicide 2 this. niggas just need to know when to get out the rap game. if uworkin hella hard and your fans get happier when u bleeding and burned , then its time to hang it up it aint worth it. mess should just take his money an family and go live deep in the woods
Its 4:00am. Meth.
Jul 19, 2007
he coulda gucci mane'd em and this would be a completely different conversation
gucci might be the only rapper i actually respect.. killed someone in self defense while he was set up, knocked a bitch out on the spot 4 tryin to embaress him on stage... threw a b tch out a moving car 4 talkin shit to him, and other shit ....these other rappers stay takin losses


Sicc OG
Oct 9, 2002
The show in Everett was sold out. I believe the owner made his money and then some. However that was the night Messy got the mic snatched. And everybody in the club was brawling. Females was getting it too.

Messy didn't even perform. He got on stage about 1:40am and the club closed @ 2:00am. People were pissed the fuck off. The promoter dipped and changed his number. Messy got paid and was just screaming Suwoop until the crip dude got on stage.