Rapper AP9 Is Soft As A Tissue
THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, ok so rapper AP9 was talking crazy to some guy from Modesto, CA on Instagram and had a autograph signing in Modesto a week later. Well while he was in Modesto he went to the mall with his bodyguards and ran into the guy he was talking crazy too, long story short a fight breaks out and first thing AP9 does is run into the back of foot action and calls 911, what a joke right? For being a part of the MOB and being a pimp in Vegas he sure did run like a little coward.
Read more at http://thedirty.com/2014/02/rapper-ap9-is-soft-as-a-tissue/#bUlvqpf11DHyYsPd.99
Rapper AP9 Is Soft As A Tissue
what's up, breh? Did the police come save you?
THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, ok so rapper AP9 was talking crazy to some guy from Modesto, CA on Instagram and had a autograph signing in Modesto a week later. Well while he was in Modesto he went to the mall with his bodyguards and ran into the guy he was talking crazy too, long story short a fight breaks out and first thing AP9 does is run into the back of foot action and calls 911, what a joke right? For being a part of the MOB and being a pimp in Vegas he sure did run like a little coward.
Read more at http://thedirty.com/2014/02/rapper-ap9-is-soft-as-a-tissue/#bUlvqpf11DHyYsPd.99
Rapper AP9 Is Soft As A Tissue