Rex Grossman as QB for da bears

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What would you do?

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May 13, 2002
So everyone will agree that Grossman pretty much sucked in the superbowl and was one of the many reasons da bears lost the game.

The question is, if it were up to you, would you keep Rex Grossman as your starting QB for next season? Do you draft a young promising QB, trade, or pick up a free agent?

I'm not Grossman fan, but I'm not necessarily giving up on him either. My opinion is you stick with the guy, after all this was his first full season as QB. His contract is good for one more year. I say let him try and earn that new contract and see how he performs during the regular season. If not, take him out and put someone else in.

Again, keep in mind this was Grossman's first full year. He had a lot of good games and threw 23 TD's in the regular season. Of course, he also had a lot of bad games and turned the ball over a shit load of times, as do many first, second, third and even forth year QB's (example- Troy Aikman was 1-15 as a starter, Peyton Mannings numbers sucked his first year, etc.)

I can't imagine the experience of two playoff games plus the superbowl cannot help him be a better QB next season.

Da bears have a lot of talent and if Grossman can improve his weaknesses they could easily win a superbowl (assuming they stay healthy and resign most of their players (Lance Briggs being one of those players)).

Some people are saying da bears should pick up Jeff Garcia (free agent), start Greise, and I've even heard drunken-master Kyle Orton's same being mentioned. Jeff Garcia I can kind of understand because of his good performances with Philly, but he is 37 years old.

So, what would you do?
May 2, 2002
I would let him play.

If he doesn't show signs of improving after next year...then I would look into bringing in someone new.

But you can't turn your back on the kid after 1 full season.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • V


Yea, I would deff let him play, 1 season is not enough to judge but I have a feeling that he played his best this year...
May 13, 2002
SiKHMaDe said:
Yea, I would deff let him play, 1 season is not enough to judge but I have a feeling that he played his best this year...
That's what I'm saying but the media/fans are shitting all over him. I don't recall ever seeing a QB under so much scrutiny before, especially after only 1 full season.

Again, I'm not saying he WILL be a great or even good QB, I'm just saying to give the guy a break.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
What i dont get is that before the season, everyone was touting the bears because they had such a dope backup (griese). i wonder why they didnt play him more. i say keep him, but i dont know if he deserves the starting job.
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
That's what I'm saying but the media/fans are shitting all over him. I don't recall ever seeing a QB under so much scrutiny before, especially after only 1 full season.
I don't recall any QB being on a team with all it's pieces in place, except QB. The reason they bash him so hard is because the Bears are a winning team, and Grossman sucks. He's been bailed out numerous times.. But when a team wins, the QB gets the credit even though Grossman didn't deserve any of it. Everyone knew he sucked but they kept starting him, knowing that when it really mattered he would show how bad he really is. And he did that.

If the Bears sucked they wouldn't be jumping all over Rex Grossman because it wouldn't matter.

I voted for the last choice.. Trading picks and people for a real QB. Maybe not this season, but by the end of next season they will probably do just that.

Jeff Garcia would be a good pickup because he doesn't make mistakes and he has the experience to guide your offense. But like you said, he's getting old. Although that's what they said last year and look what he did for Philly. It's a gamble at this point in his career. But it couldn't hurt to pick him up and let him try it I guess..
May 13, 2002
B-Buzz said:
Orton was 10-0, I think. Where was his break?
Orton the third string QB, Grossman got injured and # 2 QB Hutchinson was arguably the worst QB ever. Orton was 10-5 in games that he started, mostly by handing off the ball. Thomas Jones last year was the Chicago offense. Early in the season, they allowed Orton to pass the ball. He had 5 interceptions in one game I believe, they didn't let him pass after that. He had a 59.7 QB rating.

big D

Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
I think Griese is their best QB. Unfortunetly, the Bears downfield style of passing doesn't fit his strengths. He is a very accurate short to medium range QB.