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Nov 14, 2002
From Midwestinvasion

Tech is half retarded......i gave him a bunch of "Anthem" cd singles to sign and i forgot to take the shrink wrap off.....well....he signed the shrink wrap
I just laughed my ass off.

Zero.....i buy your rebelious attitude about as much as I believe Avril Lavigne had a hard life full of heartache.
Shit I didn't even know this post was here... And I buy that you have anything worthwhile to say and any decent reason to continue bullshitting with me other than getting me to talk bad about Strange so you can run to your friends with a printout like they'll give a shit, as much as people buy Strange Music cd's in NY.

Newsflash.....Strange Music not only likes to make great music.....they kinda like to make money on the side....
So I guess I'll just let these sampler cd's sit here and become lost revenue. They don't pay you do they? Because if you're getting a salary, I'd like to know how to get a job over there bitching at the only people doing promo in places that can really use it.

so those 4 people that you scared away by your "mock protest" might have liked the album and could have become faithful fans to not only Tech, but maybe Kutt, Grant Rice, Snug Brim, Skatterman, D12 or any other artist on the album....
And the 10 or so people that got sampler cd's... Nevermind man, you're being the biggest fuckin' idiot ever.

but you, being the marketing genius you are, scared them away.
Hey, you scared away an entire record labels worth of people, and a few friends and fans of the same label as well... Choke on that for a while.

I do applaud the fact you are SUCH a rebel!
What the hell makes me a rebel anyhow? The fact that I'll call you a bitch regardless of your status on a message board or your status with people who I am fans/friends of? Well then I guess you're right.

i'll stop sobbing now so you and your witty mind can come up with a cute little response.....possiblly using "fuck you", "quit being a fag", "your gay", and "shut the fuck up"
Fuck you, Nick. Quit being a fag. You're so gay, so shut the fuck up.

Yeah, why don't you just send a link to all your old responses to me so you don't have to waste your time typing the same shit over and over. And not only do you consistantly repeat the same line, but you also choose to repeat what is absolute nonsense.

Here's a challange....how about using some of that shit in your head you call a brain and respond with an intellegent post.
Are you just about done lookin' like a crybaby, or would you... Nevermind, I'll just post for you.