Wow, my "Bad" votes keep climbin! That's just great!!! Now, I know this is probably a 1 in a 1,000,000 shot, but would those 7 who voted "bad" step forward? Yeah right. I should've made this a public poll to see what the really was. See if those who voted "bad" really have a say in this music business, or if it's just some random haters votin "bad". I would just like to know what it was that made you vote that way? If you think I suck then say it, but at least have the decency to tell my why. Like tadou said, he's a lyrics whore so that's why he would've voted "bad". At least I know his reason behind it. What's your reason? Those 7 votes might as well not be there cuz if I don't know why you're votin that way it sure as hell ain't helpin me. So, will the 7 "bad" voters...please stand up....please stand up...please stand up? lol.