Dare to dream: Giants and playoffs??

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Feb 21, 2003
As of today, the Giants are 9.5 games out of first, but just 6 behind Arizona in the division..They're 17.5 out of the Wild Card so it looks like a division win would be their only way to the postseason..

Do you guys think it could be possible??

I mean, they're on a 5-game win streak right now, and the young kids have been playing great! Not to mention the pitching has been solid, and Zito has looked pretty good as of late..

I know the Giants probably won't win the division, but why not have an optimistic outlook? The division isnt that strong, and the Dodgers and Dbacks haven't exactly been lights out..The only reason why the Dodgers have been a factor is cuz of Manny, and Manny only..

I think if the Giants continue to get timely hitting, solid pitching, and squeaking out those last at-bat wins, they could become a factor in these next few weeks!

Buckle up, things could get exciting!!
Jan 18, 2006
lol hes talken bout the SF Giants and no there not making the playoffs even though they have been playing better
Feb 21, 2003
winning 10 of 11 and beating brandon webb and dan haren 4 times in a row during that span is pretty lights out to me.
Ill give the dodgers credit, they have gotten hot as of late..

be sure to boo us extra hard when you're watching us in october.
watchin US?? You can't even rep a team in your own section pimp, move to LA if u wanna talk like that..

Take that 510 out of your location, you don't deserve it if you jockin LA teams