The Official Random Thought Thread

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Aug 20, 2006
i was slightly disappointed with childish gambinos album, but i was sort of expecting it because i knew it couldnt be an album full of songs like the awesome and you know me. it was still pretty damn good tho. doomtree-no kings is dope, i knew i should have preordered the deluxe edition when they still had my size shirt :(
May 2, 2007
i was slightly disappointed with childish gambinos album, but i was sort of expecting it because i knew it couldnt be an album full of songs like the awesome and you know me. it was still pretty damn good tho. doomtree-no kings is dope, i knew i should have preordered the deluxe edition when they still had my size shirt :(
I'm going to a Doomtree concert in February, so I'll pick it up then.
Their last concert was fucking great.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Definitely interesting stuff. That site is kind of on the extreme side of the document, but it nonetheless brings up an interesting standpoint.

What I'm gathering is that portion of the bill will give the military full control over land to settle and maintain uprisings like in Egypt if they enact it.

It's pretty fucking scary to think that any and all land is free to be used as a potential wasteland to rid the American government of what they consider threats to their overall goals.
May 1, 2009
Well tonight has been about the absolute worst it could be.

Get home from work, start doing laundry and cleaning. I go to flip/rotate my mattress and slam into my book shelf next to my bed which happens to have my bong on it. The whole thing falls over with my bong breaking into a million pieces all over my floor with bong water everywhere. I slice my thumb on a piece of glass. Wipe up everything i can, grab the vacuum, then when i turn on the vacuum dust starts shooting everywhere. Somehow the bag got loose in the vacuum. Clean that up and vacuum the glass up. Get some floor cleaner and clean my floor. (to preface, our laundry is in the basement and the building i live in was built in 1890. the basement has cement floors and is disgusting and probably hasnt been cleaned out in 50 years) Go to move my laundry from the washer to dryer, drop half of the wet clothes on the basement floor. Finish cleaning up a little inside, go get some of my clean dry clothes, grab this little steamer i have, start steaming some clothes, and then knock the steamer over spilling hot water everywhere. Grab a bubbler i havent used in a few months, go to give it a quick clean with some rubbing alcohol and salt, and forgot about the cut on my thumb as well as a cut on my pinky finger that happened yesterday.

So im done for the night. Ate a tiny xanax, drinking some beer, smoking from my non-preferred piece, and looking forward to tomorrow.