HBO: Game of Thrones

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May 13, 2002
Nothing says creative writing and entertainment value like "duh" :dead:
Well it wasn't exactly a secret, five years of people figuring this out from the books and a year from last seasons finale. All the leaks of Jon Snow filming on set, etc. It was never really a question of if but how. I'm glad they got to it in only the second episode and didn't drag it on for a season Walking Dead style. I know you were on the side of hoping he stayed dead but I think that would completely ruin the whole story that GRRM has envisioned.


Oct 21, 2002
I kinda wish they would've just had Ghost get up and then didn't show Jon open his eyes so it left the question open on if he was going to warg for another week

"The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again. But the skulls were here as well, the skulls were all around him."
May 9, 2002
I kinda wish they would've just had Ghost get up and then didn't show Jon open his eyes so it left the question open on if he was going to warg for another week

"The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again. But the skulls were here as well, the skulls were all around him."
When that scene was running, i was thinking that EXACT same thing. It was obvious they were setting up something with the wolf. Would have been way more subtle and haunting if the wolf just opened its eyes hella fast and then cut to black/credits.
May 13, 2002
Yeah but then we'd have another week of speculating what we've already been speculating/known. "So the wolfs eyes opening meant Jon is alive right!?" "Well it could just mean he warged into the wolf and he's going to then Warg into Davos!" Or whatever. At least now we can be done with it and the story line can progress.
May 13, 2002
lol @ tyrion being a targaryen
I don't like that theory at all myself, but I seem to see it everywhere. I see all types of reasons, i.e why his dad hated him (well, it's because he blames Tyrion for the death of the only woman he loved, cunts, plus his deformities gave "shame" to the family!) and that "oh he must be a Targ because he didn't get eaten by the dragons!" (no, you cunts, he just read a ton about dragons and is quite educated on them, his theory being they are quite intelligent and even understand words, he acted on this theory and was correct). Not everyone needs to be a secret targaryen!


Apr 25, 2002
The imp isn't a targ and the weakling Jon didn't warg into the the magnificent Snow, who is more of a leader than White Jesus 2.0 ever will be. They cut to Snow because it's said animals pick up on the spirit realm and all types of shit, so that's what happened.

Now if Jon KILLS that little fuck boy without regret then he will have partially redeemed himself in my eyes.

Until then, the Knights King is the ruler of all Westeros.
Props: :ab: and :ab:


Jul 6, 2005
When that scene was running, i was thinking that EXACT same thing. It was obvious they were setting up something with the wolf. Would have been way more subtle and haunting if the wolf just opened its eyes hella fast and then cut to black/credits.
shit's been lightweight predictable af this season.

when the red witch was staring in the metal mirror, my wife was like 'jon has to come back, why else would the red witch be there?' Me: 'to take off her shirt'. not even ten seconds later, shirt comes off.
when sansa was ran down by ramsay's search party, i said brienne is going to save her. boom, brienne comes out from stage left.
when ramsay was leading his step mom and new baby bro, told wifey he's going to feed her to the dogs. and he does.

it's like the writing got a little lazier now that there are no more books to rely on. the dwarf being a targaryen would be hella corny tbh. jon snow being one is too but it's from the books so it aint that bad.
May 13, 2002
jon snow being one is too but it's from the books so it aint that bad.
Agree it would be corny if Tyrion is one but how you figure that's corny that Jon is? It's a cool ass story and a deep one at that; honorable Neds massive burden of raising Jon as his own, even having to lie to his own wife that he had him during an affair while away, all because of the promise he made to his dying sister Lyanna. The entire premise of the Targaryens being overthrown (Robert's rebellion) is then based on a lie - that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna (Robert's betrothed) which was the major cause of the uprising and ultimate overthrowing and demise of the Targaryens, only for all of these years later we learn that presumably Rhaegar never kidnapped Lyanna; they were in love. Robert was hellbent on killing every last Targaryen, even years later when he sent assassins to kill Daenerys, another major reason Ned had to keep his secret. We can continue with the chain of events all of this caused - the murder of Prince Rhaegar and his wife, Elia Martell and her children ("You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!" - Elia's brother, Oberyn Martell) and so on! It's one of the coolest stories inside of the many stories in the series. Then on top of this, the ancient prophecies of of R'hllor and The Prince that was promised, Azor Ahai. Is that Jon? Is the prophecy true? Is his purpose, as Azor Ahai, to fight the White Walkers?
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Oct 21, 2002
I don't remember where it's mentioned in the books but someone says that the mad king tried to fuck Tywin's wife a bunch of times so that's where the Tyrion being a Targaryan thing comes from. Plus I think one of his eyes might be purple(?) and Tywin's always hated him
Props: :ab: and :ab:
May 13, 2002
I don't remember where it's mentioned in the books but someone says that the mad king tried to fuck Tywin's wife a bunch of times so that's where the Tyrion being a Targaryan thing comes from. Plus I think one of his eyes might be purple(?) and Tywin's always hated him
One eye is black.

There's a small remark from Barristan Selmy to Daenerys:

“Prince Aerys . . . as a youth, he was taken with a certain lady of Casterly Rock, a cousin of Tywin Lannister. When she and Tywin wed, your father drank too much wine at the wedding feast and was heard to say that it was a great pity that the lord’s right to the first night had been abolished. A drunken jape, no more, but Tywin Lannister was not a man to forget such words, or the . . . the liberties your father took during the bedding.”

The fan theory has to take this as fact and literal, which as we know different stories from different people can describe certain events completely different.

Tywin as we know truly loved his wife so it doesn't make sense to me he'd be like, ah fuck it you raped my wife we cool bro. As someone else wrote:

Why did Tywin continue to serve as Aerys’s Hand if he suspected this? So far as Tywin or anyone else ever indicates, his departure from the role of Hand and his fateful break from Aerys were the result of long-building tensions thanks to the king’s madness and his stealing away of Ser Jaime to serve in the Kingsguard. For that matter, why did he persist in trying to wed his daughter to Aerys’s heir, if he had cause to hate Aerys so much?​

I think people want to believe Tyrion is a dragon rider but people overlook the fact that you don't have to be a Targaryen to be a dragon rider, they were only a small minor house in Valyria and presumably anyone can be a dragon rider (and that's not even getting into the dragon horn).
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Jul 6, 2005
Agree it would be corny if Tyrion is one but how you figure that's corny that Jon is? It's a cool ass story and a deep one at that; honorable Neds massive burden of raising Jon as his own, even having to lie to his own wife that he had him during an affair while away, all because of the promise he made to his dying sister Lyanna. The entire premise of the Targaryens being overthrown (Robert's rebellion) is then based on a lie - that Prince Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna (Robert's betrothed) which was the major cause of the uprising and ultimate overthrowing and demise of the Targaryens, only for all of these years later we learn that presumably Rhaegar never kidnapped Lyanna; they were in love. Robert was hellbent on killing every last Targaryen, even years later when he sent assassins to kill Daenerys, another major reason Ned had to keep his secret. We can continue with the chain of events all of this caused - the murder of Prince Rhaegar and his wife, Elia Martell and her children ("You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!" - Elia's brother, Oberyn Martell) and so on! It's one of the coolest stories inside of the many stories in the series. Then on top of this, the ancient prophecies of of R'hllor and The Prince that was promised, Azor Ahai. Is that Jon? Is the prophecy true? Is his purpose, as Azor Ahai, to fight the White Walkers?
no, you're completely right on that. the background story on jon being a targaryen is rich and has a lot behind it. like the seed for jon being a targaryen was set long back and the rest of the story built around that in a very interesting way. the santa Claus author dude is kinda amazing in being able to craft something so intricate, so many details had to be considered early on to make things happen now. so I agree.

but taking 'jon being a targ' separately from that, it had the potential to be super corny. without the background by santa it'd have been cornball af. same thing w the dwarf, it'd be corny af (him bing a targ could be in the books but apparently that part isn't out yet, and I'm too lazy to read), especially since the wrting on the show has gotten kinda lazy/predictable/whatever since it surpassed the books. targ dwarf would just continue that pattern of writing, IMO.

I'm still enjoying the show so I'll shutup now
May 13, 2002
Some of these things that were predictable needed to get out of the way. Like pretty much everyone knew Jon would be brought back by the Red Priest. We figured Sansa would hook up with Brianne and Ramsey would Ramsey. But we're just two episodes in and now that these (predictable) stories are out of the way, where does it all go from here? Other than the Tower of Joy flashback this Sunday, it's really anyone's guess what's going to happen. Like Arya and the faceless men, good luck figuring that out, or what decade Dany will finally go to Westeros lol. Dorne, other than being the weakest part of the show, I really have no idea what they are up to. Bastardbowl I know will happen and it's going to be awesome. Hopefully Celganebowl!