HBO: Game of Thrones

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Bullshit, nigga. How the fuck do you go from the chaos that happened automatically into Incest Mom not getting the news her son jumped out a fuckin window? How the fuck do you automatically go into Tyrell Granny Ma already knowing Cersai was behind the shit? No mourning, no scenes of rage, just "yippie let's kill more fucks" (on both sides.)

This show is pitiful.
Is my browser all fucked up or how come your name is invisible?

May 13, 2002
Bullshit, nigga. How the fuck do you go from the chaos that happened automatically into Incest Mom not getting the news her son jumped out a fuckin window? How the fuck do you automatically go into Tyrell Granny Ma already knowing Cersai was behind the shit? No mourning, no scenes of rage, just "yippie let's kill more fucks" (on both sides.)

This show is pitiful.
maybe you should stop reading all the spoilers beforehand fam


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Bullshit, nigga. How the fuck do you go from the chaos that happened automatically into Incest Mom not getting the news her son jumped out a fuckin window? How the fuck do you automatically go into Tyrell Granny Ma already knowing Cersai was behind the shit? No mourning, no scenes of rage, just "yippie let's kill more fucks" (on both sides.)

This show is pitiful.
I don't agree with the show being pitiful, but now that you brought it up, yeah that was kinda "wham bam" just super rushed compared to how it used to be done. That type of thing would've been dragged out for 3-4 episodes lol. Then again we don't have like 50 different houses and side storylines going on now and it's time to wrap it all up.

I dunno... expect more of the same. Hopefully we get some more battles and there are at least a couple big reveals no one sees coming. I'm invested to the end regardless
May 13, 2002
I don't agree with the show being pitiful, but now that you brought it up, yeah that was kinda "wham bam" just super rushed compared to how it used to be done. That type of thing would've been dragged out for 3-4 episodes lol. Then again we don't have like 50 different houses and side storylines going on now and it's time to wrap it all up.

I dunno... expect more of the same. Hopefully we get some more battles and there are at least a couple big reveals no one sees coming. I'm invested to the end regardless
We don't want those things to drag out. Why would we need to see all the mourning and all that nonsense? We've progressed to the point of the story where it's time to get to the real business. There isn't much 'game of thrones' to be played, not with the great war coming. A lot of these plots & minor characters need to come to an end, not drag shit out more. The pacing of season 6 was great for the most part imo, it advanced the plot lines and we now see everything fall into place after 6 years of development.

HERSEYs opinion is jaded since he reads all the spoilers for some reason. I don't know what you would expect when you know all the details going into the show. If you know X, Y & Z are going to happen and then X, Y & Z happen it's not going to get much reaction out of you.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
We don't want those things to drag out. Why would we need to see all the mourning and all that nonsense? We've progressed to the point of the story where it's time to get to the real business. There isn't much 'game of thrones' to be played, not with the great war coming. A lot of these plots & minor characters need to come to an end, not drag shit out more. The pacing of season 6 was great for the most part imo, it advanced the plot lines and we now see everything fall into place after 6 years of development.

HERSEYs opinion is jaded since he reads all the spoilers for some reason. I don't know what you would expect when you know all the details going into the show. If you know X, Y & Z are going to happen and then X, Y & Z happen it's not going to get much reaction out of you.
I'm mostly referring to people poking fun at Littlefinger having a teleportation device, and now Varys apparently has one too lol

But even this season it was like Sansa sent a raven to Littlefinger in what, episode 2? Then he gets it and convinced Robyn to ride for Sansa in episode 4? Then he rides in with the knights of the vale 5 episodes later. Now Sansa is summoning all the houses, meets with them, kingindanorf speech round 3, receives a white raven from another continent, all this stuff happening in the frame of like 5 minutes.

Lady Olenna and Margaery having these interactions and small details like they have some big master plan at work then its like "Nope lol those two seasons were just a complete waste, bye margaery". I'm glad it's wrapping up, but yeah when you think about things happened extremely fast comparatively even to this season, even the last couple of episodes


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Part of me kind of reads into things that probably aren't there. Almost like the show creators / writers are frustrated with GRRM, and it's translating to TV in subtle ways. Like did they purposely make the final episode so compact like that as like a "Your move GRRM, this shit is pretty simple to wrap up, these intricate plots and side storylines are pointless, we're not including them, now get moving" and is the audience going to ultimately be punished by compromised quality? Arya's storyline really sticks out... it's almost like they made it end bad purposely as like a sigh of relief to be done with it and move on to her end goal.

I dunno... probably just overthinking it and seeing things that aren't there.
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May 13, 2002
I'm mostly referring to people poking fun at Littlefinger having a teleportation device, and now Varys apparently has one too lol

But even this season it was like Sansa sent a raven to Littlefinger in what, episode 2? Then he gets it and convinced Robyn to ride for Sansa in episode 4? Then he rides in with the knights of the vale 5 episodes later. Now Sansa is summoning all the houses, meets with them, kingindanorf speech round 3, receives a white raven from another continent, all this stuff happening in the frame of like 5 minutes.

Lady Olenna and Margaery having these interactions and small details like they have some big master plan at work then its like "Nope lol those two seasons were just a complete waste, bye margaery". I'm glad it's wrapping up, but yeah when you think about things happened extremely fast comparatively even to this season, even the last couple of episodes
They already explain most of it by stating these plot lines are not in sync. What you see in Dorne for example could be months prior to what we're seeing in the North, etc. What they show in the Iron Islands could have happen 6 months ago and so on. That and what we see between episodes and even between scenes could be weeks or months have passed by. Every time a scene switches to another plot, you can't assume the timeline is the same, in most cases it's weeks/months past or future from the previous scene. In the books it's that way too, there's a disclaimer stating the story lines are not running simultaneously. So on TV, it appears like things are happening so quickly but it's not. Like when Sansa got to the wall and in the next episode she gave Jon a new fur coat she made and people were like, how'd she do that in a day? But in reality she had been at the wall for weeks.

There is some crazy reddit "we did the math" on Littlefinger and his teleportation and essentially proven he could travel these distances once you put the time frames together, even though it's probably a bit far fetched in some instances. I'm sure they'll end up doing one for Varys too (actually I already saw one but didn't read much into it. When Danny and her fleet of ships were sailing, it wasn't just her ships, they showed ships with Martell sigil on the sails, Tyrell sigils and of course Greyjoy so we have to assume this is weeks/months later. Of course, some of it boils down to convenience; they do it simply because it's TV and they can. They have that luxury.
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May 13, 2002
Part of me kind of reads into things that probably aren't there. Almost like the show creators / writers are frustrated with GRRM, and it's translating to TV in subtle ways. Like did they purposely make the final episode so compact like that as like a "Your move GRRM, this shit is pretty simple to wrap up, these intricate plots and side storylines are pointless, we're not including them, now get moving" and is the audience going to ultimately be punished by compromised quality? Arya's storyline really sticks out... it's almost like they made it end bad purposely as like a sigh of relief to be done with it and move on to her end goal.

I dunno... probably just overthinking it and seeing things that aren't there.
I doubt it goes that deep. They did goof on the Arya storyline this season for sure and that was just subpar writing on their part. I think there are a number of factors but what it boils down to is time. From the start they said they wanted to finish the series in 7 seasons. We are now getting 8 seasons. The amount of shit GRRM has wrote would take 20 seasons to cover it all, Bran would be like 45 years old lol. They have to cut it down to the essential story and in order to do that, they have to cut things out and streamline other parts. It's just not possible any other way so they have to trim the fat and get to the meet of things. Some of that works out great, some of it doesn't (Arya & Dorne are good examples). I mean fuck, what if they included Lady Stone Heart, Young Griff, Quentyn Martell, etc etc.

I am sure they expected The Winds of Winter to have been finished by now though, so that may have messed up their plans a bit. GRRM is always waaaay off on his predictions. he probably told them in 2006 he'd finish the entire series by 2012-2013 lol.

"Three years from now when I'm sitting on 1,800 pages of manuscript with no end in sight, who the hell knows!" - GRRM in 2012 lol

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Nov 24, 2003
I don't know what you would expect when you know all the details going into the show. If you know X, Y & Z are going to happen and then X, Y & Z happen it's not going to get much reaction out of you.

Amen, and it's just as much of a letdown when we know what is going to happen due to uninspired writing - but I have been preaching that for years lol :cheeky:
May 14, 2002
Damn I haven't checked this thread in a while now I am to far back to read all your crazy theories floating around here.
Probably also about the gods I'm not sure if I saw something about that last time I checked this thread but I cant find it anymore.
I found this interesting and not sure if any already know or saw this

carry on
Props: :ab: and :ab:


Apr 25, 2002
Damn I haven't checked this thread in a while now I am to far back to read all your crazy theories floating around here.
Probably also about the gods I'm not sure if I saw something about that last time I checked this thread but I cant find it anymore.
I found this interesting and not sure if any already know or saw this

carry on
Death = many faced god.
May 13, 2002
who were all the kids that were helping cersei?
The little birds of Qyburn, Master of Whisperers, Hand of the Queen. He likely got them from Varys. Poor children he gives food and money too.

There was at least one other scene this season with Qyburn and his little birds:
May 13, 2002
That candy Qyburn gives the children may or may not simply be candy. He's a very fascinating character, obviously he deals in the dark magic shown by creating Zombie Mountain and we know of his history he was kicked out of the Citadel for researching his studies in the dark arts performing experiments on both dead and alive bodies. We know he is a necromancer skilled in potions and the likes, so the candy could be implied to have some shit in it, creating a loyal network of spies.

His character is cool since he is like a sci-fi subplot of the books and show, kind of a cross breed of Dr. Frankenstein and Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele.