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Aug 21, 2002

I aint gonna lie to you all...

When shit got to popping almost a couple years ago where everyone was getting things moving in favor of Strange music whether it be the fans on the Siccness, street teams, or whoever... Shit was lovely for everyone... We didnt get a website change from that Anghellic look as we thought, but we were happy to be of some assistance to Strange as long as they moved along with us. Didnt necesarily mean we needed to get paid for it, it was all love and we loved to do it... We had feedback from Tech, Travis, Trav's wife, Tech's wife, and everybody hell even Grant and Kutt made a couple appearances on the Siccness a time or two...

And one day it just died... :dead:

Everyone lost interest because it was tight to be able to talk directly to the artists and management and be informed rather than guess and second guess shit that was completely untrue or just ridiculous... Tempers flared because the so called smartest members on the siccness that thought it was they're obligation to speak on everything but could'nt decipher the difference between an opinion and someone asking a question or just talking plain shit...

For those of you that havent been on here longer than 6 months... Tech would show up periodically for Q & A, or to set records straight, Travis O'Guin was a regular as were both of their wives and would bare as much idiocy as possible before calling it quits on the Strange Forum... Sometimes it took us setting them up and me letting people talk shit through me to get em' here, but it worked. Now we are walking around like casted extras on Dawn of the Dead and just waiting for some action to pop off... Really everyone just got older...

Yeah, Strange created a monster... They took everyone in with open arms and said "Lets spread the word, lets take this muthafucka to another level"... It was a team effort and nothing was left to the imagination. Shit even we knew what Tech had for dinner some nights and that made peoples days even... How do yall think all these people ended up showing up on this site, Strange Forum was the newest forum and we ended up being in the top 3 on here. Half the time it isnt worth coming here. I skip the Strange Forum class some days and hang in the cafeteria for 4 periods and wont miss a beat. I think this forum should file Bankruptcy and say fuck it... Haha... I dont want to really say it, but wont get an upgrade until the lease is up when we go to the site and they say "NOT FOUND"... The Strangemusicinc site wont have any new news on it until Tech's kids are in High School. I would be satisfied if it said "Down for construction" and we would hang on to that hope for 9-10 months until we become disgruntled again. Hell, Nick Bartholomew MClean even let us down and dropped his Techn9neHQ site that housed the rare audio we thirsted for and even some interviews from the artist that we werent going to get from anywhere else... By the way, good job with that while it lasted.

I aint gonna give a speech to uplift this place, and start the slow clap that progresses faster and then to a cheer and we break the huddle... I really dont know what to say... I can say that I will break out the photoshop again once I get my apartment set all up and my net back up and running. So that'll get some laughs again. I dont know what happened to all that old school shit I used to do that was now that I look back on it, horrible looking but funny, but you dont spend too much time on gimmicks like that. If anyone has some of that shit, post it up.

Maybe they will come back and uplift this place. Maybe not. Maybe it aint even worth it. My editorial I just typed may be worth reading to them and day damned, we left them in the car seat in a mall parking lot with the windows rolled up. Lets prove em wrong. Ya never know. Until that happens, Imma rant all over this bitch. I havent lost my step one bit.

Just getting better with age...
Aug 8, 2002
This forum has been on life support many times. Some people don't see the need for it, or are tired of the bullshit that's going on here. but it's a great outlet for the fans to tell Tech and everyone w/ Strange Music how good of a job they are doing. I remember the Hostile Takeover tour last summer/fall where every time I hopped on the forum, Tech would ask..."what are people saying?" He wanted to know and still wants to know. He wants feedback from his fans good or bad.

I've taken a lot of heat for the current state of the forum. I'll take some of the blame.....yeah I'm an arrogant prick that isn't afraid to speak his mind.....but there are a lot of other people on here with the same problem.

In a recent conversation with Travis he had his finger on the big red button to shut this down. I said it wouldn't be a good idea and there is still a use for this forum. I won't let them shut it down.

I've been saying this for like 2 years now....but Everready is going to be big....stupid big for this forum. Just look out.

Maszive- Thanks for the kind words about the website....Swick and I tried to keep it going and it just got too much of a burden on our daily lives. We both had a dream of building a KC Rap resource and T9HQ was a big start.....but that idea is still alive though.

The siccness had been a sanctuary for Strange Music fans for 2.5 years and i hope we're still keepin it crackin 5, 10, 15 years from now.
Aug 21, 2002
I knew that one day I would come here and search up and down the forum and see no Strange Music... I havent been on another forum that has had so much bickering and carrying on as this one. What happened was... it was an overload for fans and they were given too much insite and when the time came for everyone to tour and do shows and didnt have time for the siccness, they felt betrayed and let down. There is no way to carry on the way it began. I dont place the blame all on you, or even half...

I say...
Strange Music takes 40% blame just for what was created, and thats not in a bad way, they only wanted to include the fans and didnt exaclty know what they had done... You start something, you will be obligated to finish it...
The fans take the remainder because people on here were talking about what they didnt know, rumors, haters, sarcastic pussies hiding behind puters, and the real fans that took things too far and heat was coming down on them... You werent doing anything different that no one else, we were all on here doing the same thing. Too much of the same thing ran people away and it definately killed this forum... I'd be on here seeing what the fans are saying, and then talk to Trav's wife or Techs wife in person and hear their reactions and be like DAMNED! Thats the part that fucks you up is being on and seeing both sides. I know you were caught in the middle and that made you the scapegoat...

I'm glad to see that the SF still standing... I already know the scoop on Everready, and your right, it'll revive this forum to the max, but it'll only last as long as the fans allow it here...

All I can do is offer my 2 cents to Strange and go from there.
Jan 12, 2003
Good shit, both of you. It's all real talk. I still remember them good ol days a couple years ago. This was a great place, very knowledgable for all fans, and had a great enviornment. Same w/ T9HQ u had goin Nick. You and Swick had in my opinon the best Tech website to date, period.

I agree that at some point this place does get beyond out of hand, but it still does serve a purpose and is a good thing that its remaining up and running. I don't doubt either of you for one second that this place will definately rise to the top again once ERTR drops. We'll see all them old faces pop back up, hopefully.

EDIT: BTW, maszive...........that sig keeps gettin better and better.


thats just my ghost
Oct 31, 2002
I've been lurking around this place for a few years now and I understand what you mean when referring to the way the forum has changed. I remeber the photoshop cartoons and all the different websites that were active such as that gave fans all kinds of media and great news & information. I remember a time when everybody was making a tech n9ne site and trying to top the next person. I remember and it's short lived life. I also remember and even attempted to help swick on some php shit back in the day. It takes alot of hard 'pro-bono' work to make a website operate, especially if it is constantly updated and changed to have the latest and greatest weather it be news, pictures, media, or whatever. One of the biggest problems that I saw happen was that people disregarded the efforts of those who made things like that possible. I can only imagine how pissed people get when thier efforts are talked down on. for example, if I spent 3 hours figuring out some html tricks to make a new window pop with javascript that contained a killer picture of tech for people to download, then a couple days later I come on the siccness forum and read a post by some newbie that talked about how shitty the pic was or how javascript is stupid, that would piss me off. I think alot of people had taken all the efforts by others for granted. Some people maybe had the mindset that the operators of the websites were getting piad for thier work. 'Pats on the Back' were few and far between, and rarely would I read a post talking about how kick ass the latest additions to the site were, but if anyone had a complaint they were quick to voice it. I hate people who complain about shit but won't contribute a damn thing. I started seeing that and the sites slowly slipped into the unknown and dissappeared. Credit should be given where it is due and I know there was an unbelievable amount of work put in by everyone involved with running these sites. If you are reading this post and like to complain about the way shit is, fucking do something about it! It didn't used to always be like this, do what you can do if you want to help but don't ever fucking talk down on someone who is attempting to make shit happen unless you can step up and fill thier shoes and pull the wieght yourself. Everyone seems to be a critic nowadays but how many of the critics will do what it takes to make shit pop. I'm a computer phreak myself and if I can contribute somehow let me know and I'll see what I can do. I remember the old school days to an extent, I read this forum constantly it seems, I may not be heard or seen but I'm in the woodwork somewhere, kill the negativity and increase the positivity..... always remember....... such loyalty shall be rewarded :cool:
Aug 21, 2002

Most definilly...

Nick has his hands full especially moderating and co-running a website and touring with Strange... Shit, that'll overwhelm the best of em'...

What it is, is we're just hungry for something new. We've ate, snacked and even microwaved left overs of AngHellic, and AP and even shitted all that out over and over. We've went to the kitchen cabinets and dug deep in the back behind the green beens and cream corn and Ate some more Calm Before the Storm and The Worse even though its old, all to curb the hunger for Everready... Just when we think Strange is going Grocery shopping, they come back with the bad news, its long over due now... Shit, I've went to the pits and shopped at Aldi's and even grubbed on Celcius... Time to pull out the aluminum foil and toss that shit in the freezer... Thats why were on here fighting and upset. Quality takes time, but if you can smell it, then damnit your gonna want to eat some... I kinda wish that Travis had never played that new shit in the truck for me last year. I keep thinking of the few lines I've remembered and now I'm mad I cant hear it...

Hopefully will arise and be the alt. to because that's what it was. I have some killer ideas for a new look to thereal website per Everready, but it may fall upon deaf ears... So I may have to whip out some creations and see if it pops...

Nick, HeatMyser, JLMACN, myself and a few others have been here since the umbilicle was cut and for some reason, we've remained soldiers. Cyrus, to some I may seem to be the type that is on the defensive for others, but like you, I may have and has spent hours creating shit, not that any of it was bashed, but if I see someone elses work get blasted, then I know what they are going through and try and cut the shit quick. I'm back in the town now, hopefully I can get my hands in some shit and bring it to the people. Mich can say the same things I'd probably say and get lit up, but it's all about who you are that gets you immunity...

One day... Trav will be on here again. Tech and everybody else. Right now, I'm preparing for the New Religion to pop off and let that renew my inner Tech hunger...


thats just my ghost
Oct 31, 2002
haha, those pics are great! Lejo Broke was the one who told me about this forums existence back in 02, wonder what happened to that fellow, I think he was from australlia or someshit. donno though :confused:
Aug 18, 2002
CyrusTheVirus said:
haha, those pics are great! Lejo Broke was the one who told me about this forums existence back in 02, wonder what happened to that fellow, I think he was from australlia or someshit. donno though :confused:
Lejo thats just funny on its own.
Oct 9, 2002
MasZive said:
Where are these people at...
Tafort aka Fuckoff?
dlocc60 is still the moderator of the southern sicc and posts everyonce in awhile.... havent seen theville lately either... he disappeared about the same time as Zero and Jaydub
Apr 21, 2003
MasZive said:
Where are these people at...
Tafort aka Fuckoff?

TheVille31 just dissapered one day, i talked to him out of the blue one day , he actaully wanted to come down to visit cuz we hadn't seen him for a long while. he said he was going to be down that next weekend, havn't heard from him since! the kid kinda worried me!!!
Aug 21, 2002

Flipping through the pics made the baby break-dance... Cool.....

Yeah, I think TheVille31 went to Juvi or something. How the hell do you just up and disappear and not be heard of. Maybe we should roll through McDonalds and see if he's still there...