Systematic Racism in United States

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Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
I’ve been over to the States in excess of 12 times now and travelled around the country a lot. I find you Americans generally to be far more polite, friendly and genuine than any other Wsterners anywhere in the world, hands down.

So from my personal observation and interaction I find it really hard to believe that America is systematically racist.

What’s The experience of you guys on the ground there and thoughts on this ?
May 9, 2002
I’ve been over to the States in excess of 12 times now and travelled around the country a lot. I find you Americans generally to be far more polite, friendly and genuine than any other Wsterners anywhere in the world, hands down.

So from my personal observation and interaction I find it really hard to believe that America is systematically racist.

What’s The experience of you guys on the ground there and thoughts on this ?
Welp, youll get two very different answers on here depending on who answers.

You can find dozens of articles on it via google, however the validity of them can be up for debate.
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
I was gona type a big ass paragraph showing how it IS systematically racist. But at the end of the day its all on who's viewing it. And the question is too broad and can refer to too many things. But as far as I can see, it is systematically racist. Me being in EPA I've been seeing it for years since facebook moved in and kicked a LOT of people out simply by being here.
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
Do you consider Australia to be systematically racist?
No - but they are massive closet racists. I'm a East European immigrant to Australia and even as a Caucasian I've encountered racist attitudes towards me. It doesn't bother me though and it's never hindered my opportunities, I love the country overall.

Hood Rat Matt

aka Goodfella (since '02)
Oct 19, 2009
East Oakland (Hills)
Being in the San Francisco area, I think I'm insulated from a lot of the stuff that goes on in middle America...if I resided in a place like Georgia or Mississippi I'm sure I would see things differently. Shit you can drive a few hundred miles northeast from here and it's like a different world


Im Gay until I log back in
Oct 30, 2008
Gilaz with Track Killa and Vince
No - but they are massive closet racists. I'm a East European immigrant to Australia and even as a Caucasian I've encountered racist attitudes towards me. It doesn't bother me though and it's never hindered my opportunities, I love the country overall.
How do you feel about the racism that's going on in Australia? like how the Queen still owns some of their Traditional lands and that they have been fighting to protect their sacred lands fro Oil and Mining companies and the fact that Aboriginal Australians are never involved in the conversation about whats best for them. It always seems like non-aboriginal people in charge are always trying to be the voice for them and never have the native people have an actual say. Correct me if im wrong tho cause I don't live there and only going based on what I've read and seen on the International news about the issue. Seems like systematic racism is also apparent in your Country


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
I’ve been over to the States in excess of 12 times now and travelled around the country a lot. I find you Americans generally to be far more polite, friendly and genuine than any other Wsterners anywhere in the world, hands down.

So from my personal observation and interaction I find it really hard to believe that America is systematically racist.

What’s The experience of you guys on the ground there and thoughts on this ?
Like Jess said it depends on who answers. Back in 2013 my gf applied for the same job twice. She applied with her first name (Tamieka) and her middle name. They said no thanks to her first name application and got a call for an interview for her middle name application.

I have applied for jobs that i know I am qualified for that I do not get. As soon as they see I am black on linked in I don't get the call. Ill tell you this though; I recently made my picture private and I am getting more calls for jobs. I don't think that's a coincidence!
May 7, 2013
Like Jess said it depends on who answers. Back in 2013 my gf applied for the same job twice. She applied with her first name (Tamieka) and her middle name. They said no thanks to her first name application and got a call for an interview for her middle name application.

I have applied for jobs that i know I am qualified for that I do not get. As soon as they see I am black on linked in I don't get the call. Ill tell you this though; I recently made my picture private and I am getting more calls for jobs. I don't think that's a coincidence!
I don't post a picture on LinkedIn. I also always select other for race. If you want to be seen for your skills and experience, unfortunately, this is how you help people focus on what matters.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
I don't post a picture on LinkedIn. I also always select other for race. If you want to be seen for your skills and experience, unfortunately, this is how you help people focus on what matters.
Exact reason why only my linked in connections can only see my picture. My name dont help matters either. Sometimes they assume im indian tho lol they get the shock of they life when I answer.
Jan 2, 2006
But are they racist or is it because they dont want to deal with the bullshit? Like now you hear a lot of people dont want to hire women because of the whole #metoo thing.. so they hire a mexican or some hick because they dont complain or cause trouble and destroy your life? I know i wouldnt want a sjw or feminist or blacklivesmatter type person working for me


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
But are they racist or is it because they dont want to deal with the bullshit? Like now you hear a lot of people dont want to hire women because of the whole #metoo thing.. so they hire a mexican or some hick because they dont complain or cause trouble and destroy your life? I know i wouldnt want a sjw or feminist or blacklivesmatter type person working for me
Could be a mix of both. With prejudice and bigotry sprinkled on top. I keep my views to myself and maintain professionalism. I got a buddy who has a masters in finance who deals with the same issues when applying/seeking employment.
I think the problem that exists is the ignorant refusal to admit that racism is real. Just because you do not experience it does not mean its not happening. Not speaking to you directly just making a general statement.
May 7, 2013
But are they racist or is it because they dont want to deal with the bullshit? Like now you hear a lot of people dont want to hire women because of the whole #metoo thing.. so they hire a mexican or some hick because they dont complain or cause trouble and destroy your life? I know i wouldnt want a sjw or feminist or blacklivesmatter type person working for me
It all depends where you work. Certain corporations try to cater more to the demographic, so if an ethnicity makes up 5% of the population, then the corporation also tries to employ at least 5% of that ethnicity. Don't expect them to over-represent though- only the white good ol boys club at the top is allowed to do that. Also, corporations cater to certain rights. For instance where I work they have made many bathrooms gender neutral to cater to the third gender crowd, even though out of 10000 employees at that site there are probably like five of them. At the end of the day you can't let corporations or people's opinions deter you from reaching your financial goals. No one is going to admit they are discriminating against you so they have shaped the laws where they don't have to admit it.

Also, companies have policies against politics in the workplace. Shit, we can get terminated in my field just for saying the word union- as a former union worker that shit will never stop me from telling my co-workers how stupid they were for not unionizing when they had the chance in the 90s