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Apr 25, 2002
Mom of Florida Teen Set on Fire Says Ordeal 'Complete Nightmare'
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct. 13: Danny Martinez, unseen, holds a photo of his brother-in-law, Michael Brewer, 15, who was set on fire.
MIAMI — The mother of a 15-year-old doused with rubbing alcohol and set on fire called the attack a nightmare on Thursday, but said her son was strong and would pull through despite the burns over much of his body.

Valerie Brewer told NBC's "Today" show and ABC's "Good Morning America" that her son, Michael Brewer, couldn't talk but was communicating with her by motioning with his hands.

"It's a complete nightmare," she said.

Michael Brewer was attacked at a Deerfield Beach apartment complex in South Florida on Monday after turning in another teen for trying to steal his father's bicycle, authorities said.

The teen was expected to remain hospitalized for several months and is at extremely high risk of infection and organ failure, but he is doing as well as can be expected, his doctor said. Valerie Brewer praised the staff at Jackson Memorial Ryder Trauma Center.

Dr. Nicholas Namias said the teen suffered burns on his torso and arms and most of his hair, but his face was not badly burned.

Brewer's troubles started when one of the teens gave him a video game and expected $40, said Broward County Sheriff's Office spokesman Jim Leljedal. Brewer never paid for the game, which authorities would not identify, so the other teen tried to steal a $500 custom bike that belonged to Brewer's father, Leljedal said.

Florida Teen Set on Fire Allegedly by Peers at Risk for Organ Failure
Brewer refused to attend classes at his middle school Monday. His mother said he was "petrified" of going to school, and the teen instead went to an apartment complex to visit a friend. He told deputies that while he was sitting by the swimming pool, he was splashed with rubbing alcohol and set ablaze.

Five teenagers — 15-year-olds Matthew Bent, Denver Jarvis, Steven Shelton and Jesus Mendez and 13-year-old Jeremy Jarvis — were charged with aggravated battery in the attack. Mendez also was charged with attempted second-degree murder because authorities say he flicked the lighter.

Valerie Brewer said she knew the teens, but would not say more because it was "too heart wrenching" to talk about. She asked viewers to help stop childhood violence around the world.

"What they did to my son...we need to stop this now."
Jun 3, 2002
Saw a video on this on worldstar, thats some fucked up shit right there.

Fuck a trial and jail time, someone should just burn the fucker that did this the same way that he did it to this kid.


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. -- Police are investigating a disturbing discovery at the Deerfield Beach home of the sister of Michael Brewer, a 15-year-old boy who police said was set on fire by a group of teens.

The act of vandalism happened at the home where Brewer's 22-year-old sister, Melissa Durkee, lives with her children. Someone took two plastic dolls that were left in the front yard, burned them and then threw the charred remains into the back yard pool.

The vandals' actions ostensibly mimic what happened to Brewer. Investigators said that last month, a group of teens doused Brewer with rubbing alcohol at a Deerfield Beach apartment complex and lit him on fire. He jumped in a swimming pool to quench the flames.

Durkee told Broward Sheriff's Office investigators that the dolls belong to her daughters, who had left them in the front yard with other toys the night before.

Detectives said Durkee heard her dogs barking in the middle of the night but did not go outside to investigate. The next day at about 1 p.m., she noticed a gate was open and found the dolls in the pool.

The incident happened as Brewer remains hospitalized, fighting to recover from burns over 65 percent of his body.

BSO investigators went door to door, checking to see if any neighbors saw anything suspicious. No arrests have been made.

Brewer's parents continue to keep a vigil at his hospital bedside. They released a statement Thursday that said, in part:

"The family is sincerely thankful for your concern for our son Michael. However, we are not allowed to comment on an ongoing investigation."