underlying pagan beliefs presented in the bible/xtianity

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Jul 6, 2002
Due to my upbringing, I revered my religious belifs to be absolutely infallible and aligned myself with the baptist church nearly all of my life. It wasn't until I was about 18 that I started to use my common sense to come to new conclusions concerning blatant lies presented to the public and accepted without question to be fact. This thread is for those intellectuals who would like to express themselves in conjunction to why xtianity is a watered down slave religion and to point out the obvious so called pagan roots.
Let's see, where should I start? First, as a disclaimer, I do believe in The Annointed One, except that I belive in HIM the same way I do Kris Kringle; surely they were real people who walked the earth, but the reputation that superceeds them has been slightly exaggerated in order to entice the listener into blindly believing in a fabricated tale.
ok, everything in the bible, and all religions in the world started in Egypt/ Ancient Khemet. From the concepts of the immaculate conception, the holy trinity, to the idea of ressurection in the after life, ALL! You see, recently, I was reading in the book of Revelation 4 about the 24 elders that sit on thrones worshiping before the throne of God. I thought about Ancient Khemet and how there are 24 dieties that were presented in order to relay the creation story and or display the origins of the science of religion. 24 can be equally divided by 3, so there are 8 sets of "Holy Trinities." We can break it down and see that all 24 represent a different aspect or characteristic of the same all true living God, Ra. Some xtians may say, "this is fake Idol worship, I'm not a pagan, and I don't believe in no sun good named Ra." But, yet and still, you do worship the sun inadvertently! What is it you say at the end of your prayers? But Amen-Ra, the "Father" that the pope tries to embody, the "Hidden One," do you know about HIM? Or maybe his son Khonshu who is prescribed with creating new life and associated with the Moon (Zion), or Mut (Ma'at) related as the mother and represents the balance of justice and truth in the cosmos? Many don't know about that, but steadily wake up early SUNday to worship the SON, when the Annointed One was a Yahudi (Hebrew word where "Jew" is derived from) from the tribe of Yehuda (Judah) and thier Sabbaths are on Saturday. But Xtians blindly worship the concocted name of Jesus when there isn't even a "J" sounds in the Hebrew dialect! Wow, c'mon now "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, " and when my time comes I'm going to point to Yahushua then back to myself and say, "G's Us!"
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Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
This is probably the most far reaching post I've ever read trying to blast Christianity, and that's saying something. I hope you were extremely high when you wrote this.
Apr 4, 2006
Due to my upbringing, I revered my religious belifs to be absolutely infallible and aligned myself with the baptist church nearly all of my life. It wasn't until I was about 18 that I started to use my common sense to come to new conclusions concerning blatant lies presented to the public and accepted without question to be fact. This thread is for those intellectuals who would like to express themselves in conjunction to why xtianity is a watered down slave religion and to point out the obvious so called pagan roots.
Let's see, where should I start? First, as a disclaimer, I do believe in The Annointed One, except that I belive in HIM the same way I do Kris Kringle; surely they were real people who walked the earth, but the reputation that superceeds them has been slightly exaggerated in order to entice the listener into blindly believing in a fabricated tale.
ok, everything in the bible, and all religions in the world started in Egypt/ Ancient Khemet. From the concepts of the immaculate conception, the holy trinity, to the idea of ressurection in the after life, ALL! You see, recently, I was reading in the book of Revelation 4 about the 24 elders that sit on thrones worshiping before the throne of God. I thought about Ancient Khemet and how there are 24 dieties that were presented in order to relay the creation story and or display the origins of the science of religion. 24 can be equally divided by 3, so there are 8 sets of "Holy Trinities." We can break it down and see that all 24 represent a different aspect or characteristic of the same all true living God, Ra. Some xtians may say, "this is fake Idol worship, I'm not a pagan, and I don't believe in no sun good named Ra." But, yet and still, you do worship the sun inadvertently! What is it you say at the end of your prayers? But Amen-Ra, the "Father" that the pope tries to embody, the "Hidden One," do you know about HIM? Or maybe his son Khonshu who is prescribed with creating new life and associated with the Moon (Zion), or Mut (Ma'at) related as the mother and represents the balance of justice and truth in the cosmos? Many don't know about that, but steadily wake up early SUNday to worship the SON, when the Annointed One was a Yahudi (Hebrew word where "Jew" is derived from) from the tribe of Yehuda (Judah) and thier Sabbaths are on Saturday. But Xtians blindly worship the concocted name of Jesus when there isn't even a "J" sounds in the Hebrew dialect! Wow, c'mon now "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, " and when my time comes I'm going to point to Yahushua then back to myself and say, "G's Us!"
Pegan beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity - do cultures before migration acknowledge the sun? did they have complex understandings of the stars?

Many cultures celebrated the astrology.

Many cultures and civilizations understood that the earth was round and that the sun rotated around the earth.... That was common knowledge by 200 ad ( and without question certainly before that).

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
isn't every christian holiday bootlegs of pagan festivals or whatever
edit; didnt read wall of text
Easter is not, though it happens to fall on the same day as the pagan holiday pretty much. But that is the biggest holiday in the world for the Jewish people and Christians, for different reasons.
May 14, 2002
It's the first time I hear easter is not pagan related..
I wonder why there is an easter bunny and people go looking for easter eggs then..
And it so coincidentally falls on the same dates as this pagan holiday you mentioned.
Mar 18, 2003
I Think I speak for all of the GOM that we miss and do indeed welcome FoeTwin back from his absence. In fact, I rather miss the dialogue we've once shared in years past.

However, in response to this thread, I must say, regretfully so, that I have no idea what you're talking about. I've read this thread multiple times with hopes of having some discussion with you. But I don't undrstand any part of what in the fuck hell you're saying.

Help me out.
Apr 4, 2006
isn't every christian holiday bootlegs of pagan festivals or whatever
edit; didnt read wall of text
NO and NO Christian holidays fall on any Pagan holidays..

Just because the winter solstice is on the 21st of December doesn't mean it's a Pagan holiday just because Christmas falls on the 25th.

Of course Easter varies from year to year...
Apr 4, 2006
It's the first time I hear easter is not pagan related..
I wonder why there is an easter bunny and people go looking for easter eggs then..
And it so coincidentally falls on the same dates as this pagan holiday you mentioned.
Easter is not a set date... And as far as the candy and such - well I assume it's nice to see kids having fun.

I suppose Jewish people are more humble when it comes to their religious holidays but Catholics like to see the kids have fun and paint Easter eggs and find their Easter basket full of candy.....I suppose Catholics tend to want to make others happy around the holidays.

I don't see anything wrong with that.
May 14, 2002
Despite what many would like to believe Pagan ideas or beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity.

The only people who even attempt to make that claim have a strong bias against Christianity.

I could write a thesis on this topic...

I'm sorry man... I'm not out to bash christianity but I do genuinely think you are trolling here.

I'm not talking about some zeitgeist bs here but I am curious on how you got to those conclusions.
So you say that the roman church never adopted pagan festivals, celebrations, symbols and the like to make it 'easier' and 'help' all those european pagans convert to christianity?

Please enlighten us and do write a little thesis on this. Because I always believed this to be common knowledge and again... not talking about the zeitgeist hype here but about actual history.

NO and NO Christian holidays fall on any Pagan holidays..

Just because the winter solstice is on the 21st of December doesn't mean it's a Pagan holiday just because Christmas falls on the 25th.

Of course Easter varies from year to year...

You do realize why the church so conveniently choose these exact dates for Christ's birthday, right? And why you celebrate that with decorating a pine tree, which I don't think you will find anywhere in the middle east by the way with candles (light).

And why is it that this fertility festiv.... oh I mean easter varies from year to year...
Apr 4, 2006
I'm sorry man... I'm not out to bash christianity but I do genuinely think you are trolling here.

I'm not talking about some zeitgeist bs here but I am curious on how you got to those conclusions.
So you say that the roman church never adopted pagan festivals, celebrations, symbols and the like to make it 'easier' and 'help' all those european pagans convert to christianity?

Please enlighten us and do write a little thesis on this. Because I always believed this to be common knowledge and again... not talking about the zeitgeist hype here but about actual history.

You do realize why the church so conveniently choose these exact dates for Christ's birthday, right? And why you celebrate that with decorating a pine tree, which I don't think you will find anywhere in the middle east by the way with candles (light).

And why is it that this fertility festiv.... oh I mean easter varies from year to year...
No one chose any dates - as a matter of fact there is turmoil between different sects of Christianity as far as Easter is concerned and they have been fighting over this for years.... So there isn't exactly a consensus on the birth of Christ or or when he raised from the dead.

It is certainly an interesting debate but presently I don't have the energy right now the write a semi-thesis about religion (not to mention religion - as interesting as it may be - is just something I'm educated in but have no desire to elaborate on).

However I will say with complete confidence that Christian holidays (at least Catholic) share nothing in common with any Pagan holiday or ritual.
May 14, 2002
Easter is not a set date... And as far as the candy and such - well I assume it's nice to see kids having fun.

I suppose Jewish people are more humble when it comes to their religious holidays but Catholics like to see the kids have fun and paint Easter eggs and find their Easter basket full of candy.....I suppose Catholics tend to want to make others happy around the holidays.

I don't see anything wrong with that.

You can believe, assume and suppose all you like... but the fact is, painting eggs pre-dates cristianity for hundreds of years. As goes for the egg being used as a symbol for fertility and giving birth to new life etc.

And why is it that easter doesn't fall on set dates?

I'm not going to comment on the catholics who like to see the kids having fun though :dead:
May 14, 2002
No one chose any dates - as a matter of fact there is turmoil between different sects of Christianity as far as Easter is concerned and they have been fighting over this for years.... So there isn't exactly a consensus on the birth of Christ or or when he raised from the dead.

It is certainly an interesting debate but presently I don't have the energy right now the write a semi-thesis about religion (not to mention religion - as interesting as it may be - is just something I'm educated in but have no desire to elaborate on).

However I will say with complete confidence that Christian holidays (at least Catholic) share nothing in common with any Pagan holiday or ritual.

Well .. someone choose the date for Christ's birth to fall (coincidently) on the exact same dates most pagans celebrate their light festivals and what not. Because also most christian scholars would agree the dude wasn't born in december.

I have to disagree with you that they share nothing in common. I would have liked to read your theory on this because I always believed this to be so. And would have liked to read a different perspective.
Apr 4, 2006
You can believe, assume and suppose all you like... but the fact is, painting eggs pre-dates cristianity for hundreds of years. As goes for the egg being used as a symbol for fertility and giving birth to new life etc.

And why is it that easter doesn't fall on set dates?

I'm not going to comment on the catholics who like to see the kids having fun though :dead:
Painting eggs means nothing. Painting eggs is something for the kids to do and has nothing to do with Easter.

You may as well claim tattooing was a Pagan ritual next..

Art isn't religious...

I can point out pieces of art that predate Paganism, Judaism or Christianity.
May 14, 2002
Ok it means nothing and has nothing to do with easter.... that's why we are being thrown to death with easter eggs every easter. The only reason why they adopted it was for the kids.

Keep the faith bro!

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
And why is it that easter doesn't fall on set dates?

I'm not going to comment on the catholics who like to see the kids having fun though :dead:
Though modified slightly from its original form, by 1583 A.D. the table for determining the Ecclesiastical Full Moon dates was permanently established and has been used ever since to determine the date of Easter. Thus, according to the Ecclesiastical tables, the Paschal Full Moon is the first Ecclesiastical Full Moon date after March 20 (which happened to be the vernal equinox date in 325 A.D.). So, in Western Christianity, Easter is always celebrated on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal Full Moon.

The Paschal Full Moon can vary as much as two days from the date of the actual full moon, with dates ranging from March 21 to April 18. As a result, Easter dates can range from March 22 through April 25 in Western Christianity.

The eggs and Christmas ornaments do have to do with fertility. The ornaments were painted or looked like a glazed coating to represent semen/fertility. More Christians these days are straying away from using Christmas trees in the home because of this.
May 7, 2013
At the end of the day....

we going to believe what we want...

If someone wants to believe in a religion it makes no difference to me. Some of the brightest people I know have a religious faith, it does not make them any less of a person in my book. When they tell others who don't believe in the same things they do that they are going to hell or that they are a bad person or whatever the case may be, that is when I have a problem with them.

Me personally, I consider myself in recovery. Religion was forced upon me as a youth, and over time it is truth that unraveled many lies within that religion that eventually led to me walking away from it decades ago. The church would plead it's ignorance and claim it was the ways of the world or my failure to follow some mystery god's law that led me "astray." On the contrary, its evidence, truth, science and reasoning that led me on my right path (and I say that because what is right for me may not be for someone else).

Religion is man made and that in itself guarantees it will always be flawed. Math tells me 1 + 1 = 2 and nothing else. With that said, if Yeshua was not even a Christian, why would it make sense for me to be one? If it makes sense for someone else to be one, so be it, do what thou will, you could be worse things in life.